Friday, February 03, 2006
Parts that I still need to buy:
2. Wheel spacers - 1.25" or 1.5" - 5 x 4.5. I need to determine the
backspacing requirements. - GoT them 1" rear and 1.5" front. DONE
3. Wheel locks - DONE
4. A/C hoses - Still need suction hose
5. Brake master cylinder hard lines -DONE
6. Cab insulation- got it Home Depot hot waterheater insutaltion -DONE
7. Harmonic balancer - 4 bolt - got it and painted it -DONE
8. Gas pedal - the rubber piece, floor mounted - got it - DONE
9. Dual headlight relay - got it
10. "X" pipe - possibly
11. Ram air ducts - got 'em -DONE
12. Header heat stove - 2 each NOT GOING TO DO THIS ONE
13. Engine clear coat paint - high heat
14. Vacuum lines - DONE
15. Hood insulation